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Motivation for 2021

Let's be honest, 2020 was rough. Between a worldwide pandemic and the irrational throwes of an irrational American government on an...

Making a go of it: An Update

This post is my attempt at making an update into what's been going on over the past few months. In March when I went into self-quarantine...

Learning Through Fiction: My Strategies

Not only are you connecting with the culture of the language, and (Generally) interacting with high-quality examples of the language.

Keeping it Simple

I think for me the biggest hurdle in learning other languages is the difference between what my brain thinks and what it knows how to say...

Language Learning Tip: No Worries

Let's be real for a minute. Learning a new language is a daunting task. New words, new phrases, new ways of expressing thoughts both...

An Introduction, and a Confession

Five years ago I began -really- learning French. Since then, languages have become a passion of mine. Many times when people find out...

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