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Updates: One Day at a time.

So the last time I posted here it was New Year's of 2020. Since then a lot has happened that has made it hard for me to keep up my...

Motivation for 2021

Let's be honest, 2020 was rough. Between a worldwide pandemic and the irrational throwes of an irrational American government on an...

Making a go of it: An Update

This post is my attempt at making an update into what's been going on over the past few months. In March when I went into self-quarantine...

Learning Through Fiction: My Strategies

Not only are you connecting with the culture of the language, and (Generally) interacting with high-quality examples of the language.

Times Change, Man: Go with the flow.

So, this post has been inspired by another great language learner I follow. Today Jonathan Seabolt over at Seabolt_Speaks decided to...

90 Days with Drops: Reflections

Today I completed the 90 Days with Drops Challenge! I'm really proud of this because, as I often say, setting any meaningful time aside...

Norwegian: Compound Words

Well, it's been a long time since I have written here, or anywhere that isn't social media. For those readers in the future who are...

Changing Gears: Norwegian

I have a problem when it comes to learning languages. I cannot stay on just one language! I have been studying Irish in ernest now for...

Fluency: A Dangerous Term

When you get into a community of language learners you will often hear the word "Fluency" I want to be fluent in French. I'd like to at...

Keeping it Simple

I think for me the biggest hurdle in learning other languages is the difference between what my brain thinks and what it knows how to say...

Why Learn Irish?

Imagine yourself looking at the view above. It's 800 AD and the winter has just ended. Your family lives upon this cliff looking over the...

Language Learning Tip: No Worries

Let's be real for a minute. Learning a new language is a daunting task. New words, new phrases, new ways of expressing thoughts both...

An Introduction, and a Confession

Five years ago I began -really- learning French. Since then, languages have become a passion of mine. Many times when people find out...

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